Note about the


From the Founder:


When I started my journey, I was consumed with countless hours of research on commonly used products, especially cosmetics, and their ingredients that we normally apply to our bodies everyday. That’s when I realized I wanted to find truly natural alternatives to these commercial products – without compromising effectiveness. I began unraveling what natural ingredients can do, where they come from, and how they’re made. With each search I set out on, I found more information out there than I ever expected.


However, I can’t begin to tell you the shocking things I found around home remedies, DIY cosmetic recipes, and herbal treatment recommendations. What’s worst- most of the information is just terrible and completely made up. And therefore, dangerous. It’s scary to think that people would believe any of this bad stuff they come across, but honestly, there’s not much available or reliable to counter those false claims. Maybe silence is how formulation science professionals protect themselves and their secrets, but it seems like the truth isn’t getting shared by those who should be sharing it.


 For what I consider unsafe products or unhealthy ingredients to use, you need to know and I need to share. I want to help straighten out some of the wrong, scary, and untested truths that I’ve come across on the internet. I will do this by using only trusted, legitimate information and cite my sources.  My intentions are not to shame the writers of these terribly wrong posts/comments/articles, but to ensure the science behind the writing is analyzed, explained, and corrected so that we can better understand the natural world, our daily products, and be equipped with information and knowledge to decipher the truth from fiction.


Welcome to the Classroom.